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Pellet packing machine and wood pellet packer machine on sale


1.Automatic filling system,weighting balance,belt conveyor.
2.Electric control cabinet.
3.Pack speed:200-400 bag/h.

Main Features:
1. It's mainly used to packing granular, mix of granular, and powder materials, such as feed pellets, grains, seeds, salt, PVC resin, etc.
2. Adopting the advantage of properties of gravity and good flowability of the materials, it accurately weight the pellet materials through an arc gate in two stages, with the average
error near to zero on the basis of 100 bags.
3. Plastic bag and kraft paper of compound woven bag can both be used for packing.
4. Capacity is 300-400bag/h.

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Miembro Gratis desde 02/09/2013

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