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Low and Medium Temperature Vacuum Atmosphere Furnace


Vacuum Atmosphere Furnace is the furnace to use certain gas as protective gas, which can provide suitable heat treatment surroundings to pre-processing material. Usually, Atmosphere Furnace should be vacuumized firstly and fill the protective gas for ensuring replacement completely.
Low and Medium Temperature Vacuum Atmosphere Furnace refer to the vacuum furnace with operation temperature less than 1150 oC. Medium Temperature Vacuum Furnace refers to the vacuum furnace with operation temperature more than 1150 oC and less than 1600 oC. The material of heater is mainly graphite and molybdenum.

Technical Specifications of Low and Medium Temperature Vacuum Furnace
- Type: Vertical (Top Loading or Bottom Loading), Horizontal
- Operation Temperature: 600~1600 oC
- Vacuum: max. 0.005Pa (automatic & manual partial pressure control system is available)
- Vacuum System: mechanical pump, roots pump, diffusion pump, molecular pump, dry vacuum pump (optional)
- Temperature Difference of Uniform Temperature Zone: ±5 ℃(vacuum)
- Pressure Rise Rate: ≤0.6Pa/h
- Cooling System: internal loop fast-cooling device
- Atmosphere: hydrogen, argon, nitrogen etc
- Effective Uniform Temperature Zone: 1L~2000L
- Max. Loading: 3000 KGS
- Heater Material: molybdenum, graphite
- Insulation Material: molybdenum, graphite, graphite felt, carbon felt
- Control System: automatic or manual with inter-lock protection

Typical Application: Alloy Sintering, Ceramic Metallization, Brazing
Typical Furnace: Hydrogen Sintering Furnace, Ceramic Metallization Furnace Atmosphere Furnace

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Miembro Gratis desde 29/05/2013

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